Delight of My Heart

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Delight. My heart sings this chorus every time I lay eyes on my little girl - it helps that she greets me with a crooked, toothless grin, her face creasing at the corners as she squints with an ever widening smile. Her smile joins forces with a squeaking, squealing greeting that draws a smile from deep inside - the kind that can't be taken away even in the midst of a challenging day.

The love I have for her was previously unknown to me - a love so inherent and unyielding. When I met her face to face for the first time, something shifted in my being and I knew that regardless of what transpired over the course of my life or hers, nothing could ever alter or stymie my desire to ensure that she would always know what it means to be loved. I hoped my love would provide a shelter and safe haven for her, a place where even if chaos permeated every aspect of her life, she could find safety in my love, find protection in my provision, and rest soundly knowing she will never lack or go without. I ache thinking of the struggles she will face and I glow knowing the heights to which she will soar. I know my thoughts towards her are no different than any other parents' towards their child, but they are extraordinary. Not because they are mine, but because of why I feel that way - its woven into the fiber of my being - down to my core.

Two weeks ago I had a thought that has marked me. I sensed my Father uncovering a forgotten promise, "I love you, just like that.". I wish I lived like I believed that - life would look so different. Nothing more to earn, no need to be perfect - just an invitation to be...loved.


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